Execution is the key to a successful business and entrepreneurship

Execution is the key to a successful business and entrepreneurship

business execution is the key to success entrepreneurship

Ideas are born dime a dozen, but, without a plan to execute and without an actual implementation followed by tracking the same, any idea, however great it might be, will never be viable as a business.

An idea is a dream of an individual or a group of individuals or an organization as a whole. The crazy thing about ideas is, it’s what dreams are made of.

The irony of life is that, no one other than the ones dreaming it can see it!

So to make your dream real, believable, it is core to turn it into something that truly exists for the world to see and or feel.

Today, every other individual you meet seems to be an entrepreneur. Unfortunately, most of them are thinkers, rather than doers. They love the concept of calling themselves entrepreneurs without having a viable product that actually sells and delivers value to the customers and of course, the business itself.

But what we as entrepreneurs need to empower and or build on is the fact that, in-spite of the circumstances and or economy etc we all have one of these skills with us that can boost our reach, growth and make our dream a reality.

Here are few things you could follow to ensure EXECUTION of your idea, to help you build revenue for your business and at the same time create products or services that actually deliver value to your clients too:

Clearly list down your strength and weakness:

Work to boost and empower yourselves on your strengths and hire skills or learn skills in a way that can simmer down this turmoil, that is, your weakness. For eg, if you are good at numbers, work on designing proposals, costing, pricing, offers, sales pitch etc for your clients by thoroughly understanding their needs and requirements. If your weakness is sales, then connect, tie-up, build allies with other companies or professionals, invest in digital advertising and social media marketing through which you can network and or connect you with your customers during which time you work on building the product and or service that allows flexibility and personalization.

Have faith in your business and yourself:

No one but yourself can design your path. Many times, we as entrepreneurs in the fit of the turmoils, issues, concerns that grip us every single day in one way or another end up making the blunder of strictly following what someone else told us to do just because, ‘it worked for them’. Understand for a fact that when it comes to entrepreneurship, there is no one-size-fits-all strategy.

Nothing will work unless you do

In the end, remember, entrepreneurship has very little to do with ideas and mostly has to do with the fact that you are making it work no matter what. Don’t be lazy. Get up, get going and build something that will empower businesses, brands, organizations, society, individuals and of course, yourself. Be ready to do things that will forever redefine who you are and bridge that thin gap towards who you are really meant to be


People will love you, hate you, adore you, ignore you, worship you, diss you, empower you, belittle you and none of it will have anything to do with you. As an entrepreneur you need to have a very clear focus on what you need to achieve out of life and ignore “what others might think of you”. Think out of the box and get moving from the herd mentality.

Tough decisions:

You might have designed products, solutions, services that must have taken tremendous amount of your time, efforts etc but it might not be happening. May be its not ready yet? So, the first thing you need to do is take that tough call and call it quits, not for your business but for that product or service which is not working at all, not selling at all,  costing you tremendous bandwidth in terms of time and money with no result. Take that strategic decision. This will be a defining moment in the long run for you as an individual too!


The difference between “No, Never, Not going to happen” etc is a very thin line in terms of reality for entrepreneurs. Most of the times, when you pitch your idea, the immediate answer or response is no. You need to have tremendous perseverance and tenacity to know and believe in your dreams. Focus on your life skills, professional qualities and work towards your entrepreneurship success.

Remember, at every meeting a SALE is made. Either you sell the enquiry your product or service or the prospect sells you his or her NO.

Have an amazing week ahead.

Do share your comments and views, would love to hear from you.

Be Well

Ananth V

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