#55SecsOrLess To Read: 5 google analytics metrics to boost your digital marketing campaign strategy

#55SecsOrLess To Read: 5 google analytics metrics to boost your digital marketing campaign strategy

This post is part of the 55 Seconds or Less to read post series:

Few image screenshots shared below:

  1. Using a Customized Cohort Analysis segmentation report in Google Analytics, you can track information and data that is relevant to your Digital marketing campaign.

cohort analysis google web and social media ROI

2) Affinity categories can help you plan targeted Pay Per Click and analytics social media campaigns, create content marketing calendar that is in sync and revolves around users interests etc. Thus will also help you in creating the perfect ad copy to get started with.

affinity categories google analytics digital marketing metrics ROI social media

3) Location: Where, when and who – Empowering your digital marketing ROI focused social media campaigns

Location categories google analytics digital marketing metrics ROI social media Ananth V

4) USERS FLOW: Understanding how and where across your blog or website etc do users engage with the pages, content, links etc on your website can help you plan the right CALL TO ACTION (CTA) at the right page / post type.

Usersflow categories google analytics digital marketing metrics ROI social media Ananth V

5) GOALS: Creating a clear GOAL in your Google Analytics and defining what that ROI conversion is worth to your brand or organization can help you plan your strategies accordingly and track the conversion score effectively.

Goal Conversions using Google Analytics Ananth V Digital marketing social media ROI
Goal Conversions using Google Analytics

There are so many core metrics which when used at the right time across the right platform can do wonders for your digital marketing social media campaign.

Which metrics has empowered your digital campaign the most till date?

Do share your views, would love to hear from you.


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Be Well

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Ananth V


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