Why having diversity in your team is crucial today?

Diversity Women marketing strategy Leadership roles decision making ROI Success teamwork global Euorpe

Advanced management, thought leadership, communication and digital strategy ROI training for C-suite

Advanced management, thought leadership, communication and digital strategy ROI training for C-suite

5th CMO Global, CMO Asia and World Marketing Congress award in digital marketing

CMO Global, CMO Asia, World Marketing Congress award winning digital ROI strategist entrepreneur speaker corporate training

3 am in India is 5:30 pm somewhere

Healthcare marketing digital strategy speaker corporate training c-suite management

Four things to keep in mind if your job requires you to travel frequently

Not all jobs require travel! Luckily for me, a big part of my job whether as an entrepreneur or a digital ROI strategist or a speaker or a visiting faculty or a corporate trainer or a consultant or an executive coach or a brand influencer (I was just looking for excuses to start this post…… Continue reading Four things to keep in mind if your job requires you to travel frequently

211% ROI delivered for a luxury travel business using digital strategy

Luxury Travel Digital Marketing Social Media ROI Success

Why ‘who you work with’ matters the most?

Whether as a corporate professional or as an entrepreneur, being a part of the right team, superiors, peers & clients makes all the difference in the world!7 years ago, this month, I was a Speaker at the BBC Knowledge CMO ASIA National Digital Marketing event on Digital Strategy ROII was presenting a case study of…… Continue reading Why ‘who you work with’ matters the most?