Be the best digital marketing professional in your organization

Be the best digital marketing professional in your organization

In the past few months, I have received quite a few messages, emails, DM via Twitter and Facebook from Corporate Professionals who have asked several queries on “How-to optimally empower their brands and business as a digital marketing professional in their organization?”.

This post is mainly dedicated towards answering majority of the queries asked by these corporate professionals.

 best digital marketing professional in India Ananth V

Today, organization’s across the globe are working towards building a strong digital presence so as to not only reach out to their prospects and customers but also to be available for them when they need these brands to answer their queries about various aspects of the brand, product and services.

Digital today for organization’s across industries is more than just being:

  • A Customer care platform
  • NEWS promotion site
  • Advertising platform

Rather, digital marketing as a profession today has evolved to encompass the following too:

Today it is core for digital marketing professionals, whether as an employee or an entrepreneur building their businesses, to understand how digital trends, process, strategies and social media marketing tools are impacting their end users. With this, it is equally important to build-up on the unique opportunities these technology tools brings forth to help brands easily connect, engage and have a conversation in real-time with their prospects and customers.

So here are few simple steps that one could have a look at to empower their skills and upgrade their know-how in the field of Digital marketing and be the best digital marketing professional in their industry today:

  • Multiple domains and areas of specialization: The digital marketing world is truly dynamic. Mainly because the digital world is rapidly changing at a pace that is blindingly fast. Brands and marketers are trying to reach out to potential customers in a way that is not only focused and result-oriented, but also innovative and exciting. Why? Because brands and digital marketers across the globe today have realized that it is no longer enough if you are unique, but you also need to be the first one reaching out to customers with products and services that can be customized and at the same time user-friendly.

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works ~ Steve Jobs

  • Transition from traditional marketing to Digital marketing: Top marketers, CMO’s and marketing heads of corporate today are faced with a challenge to make that transition from being the best in Traditional marketing to being the best digital marketing professional in their industry. And yes, there is no doubt; the expectations and pressures which they face are massive today due to the constantly changing expectations online. So it is imperative that the need to market across multiple platforms understanding metrics, analytics, customer-segmentation based on various demographic reports online etc are core to their learning curve in the field of digital marketing today.
  • Multiple platforms and processLearning about the difference in Digital marketing and Social Media is step one (Click here to read the complete post).

Further, step two would be to understand that, as a digital marketer when you create a social media or digital marketing campaign, the first question should not be – “Which Social Networking site  for eg. facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Snapchat, etc should I use?”, rather it should be, “What are the GOALS that I need to focus on from this digital marketing campaign”. (Read the complete post here)

  • Learn blogging: Learning to Blog as a professional can go a long way. Not only for an individual’s professional growth, but also on a personal front. Blogging today, will also help you as a marketer to understand the crux and intricacies behind the digital world and most importantly, the value and focus behind planning a social media calendar coupled with a content marketing strategy. With that of course, the pain, focus and work that goes behind generating valuable content for your readers on a regular basis.
  • Twitter: Using sites like Twitter for more than just tagging users, but rather as a professional marketer will help you focus even on ROI for your digital marketing campaigns. (Read the complete post here)
  • SEO: Once you understand the crux of GOALS, Blogging, content management etc, the next step should be to focus on your brand or organization’s Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques and strategies. Organic reach goes a long way and in the long run is much more feasible as a business strategy for your organization’s reach and popularity among users searching for your brand’s services and or similar products online.
  • Google Adwords: Understand Google Adwords and the power packed ways in which it can further boost your Online reach and thus using Pay per click advertisements to reach across targeted users. (Read Google Adwords: Core features Blog post)
  • Combining multiple platforms: For eg. Twitter, Facebook ADS and Gamification: It is crucial to note that, as important as it is to ‘not be across every single social networking site online just because they are available’ and rather focus only on those sites which are relevant for your target consumers, it is also important to sometimes create a digital marketing strategy that integrates multiple platforms to work and generate optimum results for your social media campaign. For eg. combining facebook ads, twitter, gamification etc together to deliver specific results:Read the complete post here)
  • Mobile: Do not forget Mobile. Mobile Marketing, is one of the most important aspects your social media or digital marketing campaign as a marketer today. Everyone is going digital or has already gone digital and each one of them if not already, is for sure going the mobile way. So make sure your website is responsive and focuses on SEO and social media optimization with a focused and easy to use landing page as a call to action (CTA).
  • Brand monitoring: As a digital marketer of today, never ignore online Brand monitoring and brand or reputation management. 

best digital marketing professional in India Ananth V

There is so much more you can do to be the best at what you already are amazing at doing, but these steps shared above could be a great value-add for sure. 

What are your favorite aspects among these? Do share something that you have in mind or process or techniques that have worked wonders for you?

Would love to hear from you, do share your comments and views.


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For customized Digital marketing social media campaigns or Corporate Training, feel free to reach my Digital Agency here or you can also connect with me on this blog or using any of the links shared above too!

Be Well

Ananth V

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