12 things to do with your Blog to build it into a Brand

12 things to do with your Blog to build it into a Brand

 blogging ananth v

  1. Be consistent:

This goes without saying: Always be consistent with your Blog posts, not just with respect to the content, but by being sincere and making it a discipline to post regularly.

be consistent blogging

  1. Add value:Post content regularly that is valuable and useful to readers.Remember, ‘Blogging is not a one time strategy or discipline, but a daily sincere effort with an idea to add real-value to readers’.
blogging quote by Ananth V
blogging quote

3. Use images:Use images in your blog post. If the images are exactly in sync with the topic, excellent, if not, try to keep them as close enough to create a connect with the readers. As far as possible, use images clicked by you or created by you. In case you have taken the image from an online site, ensure that it does not have copyright restriction and always, mention the site’s name and url with link in case you have taken an image from another site. You can also use sites like Pablo to create cool images for Free too!

4. Topics: It’s always advisable to focus towards a special topic or a particular category of topics in your blog. It’s comparatively much more plausible to garner higher readership when you keep discussing ‘topics and subject’ of same or similar industry through your blog post articles. It is definitely advisable to do so too. But having said that, there is no rule that says that it is not correct to discuss various or different topics that are of interest to you. Why? Because, if the content across your topics are interesting and resourceful, your readers will follow you patiently waiting for your next blog post which is of their interest

5. Search Engine Optimization: SEO: Using SEO, search engine optimization tools, widgets, plugins, process etc is core to any website or blog post. Use it appropriately and wisely, follow the rules and it will add lot of relevant traffic to your site. Understand that the keyword or phrase here is ‘relevant traffic’. Which means targeted or focused readers with topics of similar or same interest.

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6. Ask questions: Give readers an opportunity to have a conversation with you: As far as possible, end your blog posts with a question to your readers. Not necessary that they will respond to you every single time, but whenever they do, make sure to acknowledge and send a reply to them as quickly and promptly as possible. Moreover, no one likes it when the person sitting in front of you is ‘full of themselves’, right? So always ask a question to them, let them share their views and comments and invite them sincerely to do so. It would make a lot of difference to your blog post.

7. Using various types of media content: Today, with the power of technology, smartphone, tools, widgets etc creating high resolution pictures, capturing interesting conversations as feeds across social media or social networking sites is not a difficult task. So make use of video clips, YouTube video embeds, Vine posts, rich images, embedded tweets or facebook posts, google hangout videos, Slideshare presentations etc as part of your content every now and then. This will also help you understand which ‘type’ of content appeals the most to users or readers accessing your site regularly.

8. Mind your language: Irrespective of how generic your topic of discussion might be, never make use of foul words or abusive language in your blog posts or content online. Be professional at all times. Always ensure that your temper does not get the better of your blog post. Remember, ‘whatever is said online, always stays online.’

9. Using Social media for Branding your BLOG: Why simply be another blog post or a blog, when you and your Blog can be a BRAND. Use the power of social media marketing to take the necessary steps across relevant sites, using appropriate tools etc to become that BRAND. Share your content across sites and with relevant users and ask their feedback, responses and be sure to thank or reply in kind for their time and effort to share their feedback, especially if its online.

10. Monetize: When you begin blogging for the very first time, it’s not necessary that you would be able to monetize your blog or your blog posts (unless you already are a popular media personality), I feel, it’s necessary to do so at some point of time in your life. For the following two reasons:- When you are able to monetize something, it truly shows that you are being taken seriously out there. In a world today that is filled with freebies, it is very difficult to be taken seriously, especially in a field that is generally considered a pass-time. When you say it to others or even to yourself these words: “Yes, my blog is monetized” OR “Yes, I get paid to write blog posts”, your sense of pride coupled with your powered up focus and confidence adds great quality and value to your writing. Also, it helps you to take “learning social media marketing or blogging” more seriously as you realize that, “Yes, this is in fact serious business. I can build a dream and be a BRAND today because of my blog posts.”

    • ‘If you are good at something, never do it for free’ ~ Most of us are familiar with this legendary quote from the Oscar winning performance of Heath Ledger, but think about it. If you keep doing something for free all the time, eventually, it becomes difficult for anyone to take your work seriously. Also, it will become more and more difficult to keep that momentum of doing it, taking time out and investing in yourself to create valuable content. Every time you make money out of something, you re-invest it right? May be in yourself in the form of a good luxurious vacation, may be buy some books, may be learn and invest in yourself as a Brand by learning a more disciplined approach to what social media marketing or digital marketing can do for you as a BRAND, or doing something totally radical altogether with it, like donate it to causes you care about or have well, simply have fun with it by shopping for yourself and your loved ones etc. But the point is, once you start getting recognized, it psychologically changes the way you and your peers view that process. And yes, it definitely impacts the quality of your content. Now having said that, if you are blogging with a pure intent to ‘simply blog’ and with no idea to monetize it, ever; that is wonderful too, in its own way. As it showcases your passion for doing it and why, because you love doing it. Which is fantastic! Did you know, Blogging can be a great way to relieve stress. I am not joking. So do it for the fun and just for the love of it.
  1. Don’t misuse it: Today with the power of Blogs, (I have experienced that as a social media influencer or a Brand or even as an award winning digital agency) we can generate actual sales, conversions and real ROI for business and brands that are both, well established and start-ups or for that matter, for brands that have been even existing for decades but may be, are just ‘new to the digital world’.
Digital Agency Milestone Social media Marketing Sales ROI Ananth V Techdivine
Digital Agency Milestone Social media Marketing Sales ROI

So, I am ready to go one on one with anyone to debate that Blogs are very powerful and can alter a perception of a brand completely and have the power to even cause epic social revolutions.But, as we discussed above, when you ‘monetize your blog’ and the moment we are able to do it, our responsibility towards it grows manifold. We then need to be extra careful not to get lured by monetary gains alone. This will hamper your brand image and also affect the quality of your work. Moreover, once you are able to realize the power of a Blog or your own blog’s reach, you need to be extra cautious when writing about topics or people since, now you now, that you can cause a social influence. So ensure to use it for the right reasons.

12. Help fellow bloggers: “Blogging is about Community”

blogging is about community

Blogging, just like any other business, is a SERIOUS BUSINESS. I know, because I have been lucky enough to have monetized my business blog of my Digital agency since 2010 (and also this blog, which is my personal blog, which also is monetized since 2014). So take initiative and share your fellow bloggers posts, give them comments, feedback, give it a nudge every now and then to show your sincere support. In fact, as a respectable digital agency, my company Techdivine Creative Services, recently did a blog initiative wherein we did not ask them to promote us or VOTE for us or each other, rather, we just asked them to submit their blogs with us and we promoted their blogs throughout the day across multiple websites or blogs or social networking sites. That was a blog campaign under the Hashtag #GoBlogYourSelfTD Click here to Read the (1) first blog post about it.

This hashtag saw at first stage 1 million, followed by 13 Lac and then quickly enough gaining more traction to touch 17 LAC + impressions (1.7 Million impressions).

#GoBlogYourSelfTD Blogging
#GoBlogYourSelfTD Blogging

All of this in that one single blog campaign wherein bloggers were sharing each others posts not with an idea to get votes for each other or win a contest but rather because they simply loved doing it as they read each others articles and blog sites. It was social connect and reach across the globe using the power of BLOGS!

There are so many more things you could do with your blog, for eg, integrate it with google analytics to measure the results, invest in learning more about blogging, PPC, Adwords, social media marketing etc to take your Brand building process more seriously, use professional domains, professional themes for your site, read more and engage in social connect with multiple tools and process integration’s etc. Whatever you do, enjoy the process.

At the end of the day, remember,

“If you are planning to build a Brand using social media or Blogs, start investing in it. No one will invest in your Brand, if you don’t”!

Have a look at my upcoming workshop on Social media marketing – This will help Entrepreneurs, Start-ups, Founder & CEO’s, Corporate Marketing Professionals, Trainers, Coaches, Bloggers build themselves into a more powerful Brand than they already are, by using digital and social media marketing.

Digital marketing social media workshop in Mumbai by Ananth V
Social Media Marketing Workshop

Well, to sum it up, take time out, focus and most importantly, have fun doing it.

Hope you found this blog post resourceful.

Do you have some interesting comments, views and feedback about this post?

Do you wish to share some pointers of what bloggers could do to build themselves into a brand or cause a social revolution?

Do share your comments and views, would sincerely love to know your responses.

The learning curve never ends!

Be Well

Let’s connect – Twitter Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Amazon Social media Book

Ananth V

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28 thoughts on “12 things to do with your Blog to build it into a Brand

    1. Thank you very much for your prompt response and comments. Yes, they are core, especially blogging by being responsible with it. Thanks, have a great day. Ananth

  1. Very helpful indeed. There are many points like using proper language, images being consistent etc. which are simple but very effective and people tend to miss out on those. Thanks for the informative post Ananth !

    1. Hello Atul

      Thank you very much for taking your time out to comment. Yes, true indeed, simple tips that are practical and which go a long way i building a blog that is rich in content and high on readership across the right target audiences. Have a great day. Ananth V

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